Find a nanny that's perfect for you

In-home child care 
might be right for you
Find a nanny that's a perfect fit

  • Convenience for working parents 
  • Flexible schedules that work for your family 
  • Personalized attention for your child 

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Find a nanny that's perfect for you


About Sittercity

As parents, we know that finding a new sitter or nanny can be a real struggle, that's why we are on a mission to make childcare finally work. Since launching in 2001, we've matched millions of families with sitters they love. Now, we’re reinventing the category we created with technology that radically simplifies the way families and sitters connect. We believe our work will make a fundamental part of everyday life easier — and will give our customers the freedom to do more of what makes them happy.


Benefits of in-home child care

Convenience for working parents

Having a nanny come to your home makes being a working parent much easier. With a nanny, there is no need to pack up your child and all their essentials every morning. Also, having someone in your home can be very helpful if you forget to do something, are expecting a delivery, or are having a repairman coming for service. Many nannies also help with light housework, cook your child's meals and do their laundry. These tasks lessen the parenting load for you.

Flexible schedules for your family

You set the hours for when you need a nanny. If you start work later in the day and work evenings, you can find a nanny who will work with your schedule. If you are stuck in traffic or have a late meeting, your nanny will be at home waiting so you don’t have to rush to beat the clock.

Personalized attention

Your child can develop a special relationship with one person and rely on them to be a consistent and comforting person in their lives. Nannies get to know your child’s individual needs specifically and can focus on their development, schedule, and well-being. Nannies often provide more details of what happens each day and may even send you photos. If these types of things are important to you or will make being away from your child easier, in-home care might be a great option for you.

How it works

Finding a nanny who's right for your family is a breeze

Answer a few quick questions about your family and what you're looking for in a nanny.

Interested nannies reach out and introduce themselves.

Review their detailed profiles and reviews from other parents like you to find your match.


Find a nanny that's perfect for you